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Visitor Code of Conduct Policy

 The Maryville City Schools Board of Education has adopted the following Code of Conduct to outline the expected behavior of visitors on school grounds. Any parent, community member, or visitor on school property or attending a school program or activity must abide by the MCS Visitor Code of Conduct. 

If you have any questions about this Code of Conduct, please contact the Maryville City Schools District Office at (865) 982-7121.

Board Policy 1.501

Graphic of MCS Visitor Code of Conduct

Parents, community members, and any visitors to school property or school programs/activities MUST NOT:

1. Circumvent school security procedures

2. Behave in a manner that threatens, injures, or harasses others.

3. Use obscene or threatening language.

4. Approach or chastise someone else’s child.

5. Damage school property or the personal property of others.

6. Disrupt classes, programs, or activities.

7. Distribute or wear materials that are vulgar, obscene, promote illegal actions or drugs, or are disruptive.

8. Harass or discriminate in any form.

9. Enter restricted areas of school property.

10. Refuse to leave school property when directed by administration or law enforcement.

11. Use, sell, or distribute alcohol, tobacco, vaping products, or illegal drugs.

12. Possess or use firearms or dangerous weapons (except for law enforcement officers).

13. Violate any laws, ordinances, or school policies.

14. Record audio or video where there is an expectation of privacy.

15. Disrupt or confront school transportation staff or activities.

*As required by Tennessee law, this Visitors’ Code of Conduct has been reviewed for its legality and constitutionality by school attorney, Chris McCarty, BPR #025551