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Request for Evaluation/Screening

This statement is an effort to locate and serve children that may need special education and related services and/or special accommodations. If you suspect a child aged 3-21 years who lives within the Maryville City Schools limits may have an educational disability and who is not receiving available services, please contact Dr. Melanie Davidson at 865-982-7121 or via email at:


Homeschool/Private School Access to Special Education

Parents who have educational concerns about school-aged children residing in Maryville City Schools, but who are being homeschooled, may also contact Dr. Melanie Davidson for more information about accessing special education services.  Per the MCS’ Homeschool Handbook (, students who are home schooled are entitled to the same services, including evaluations, as children who are placed in private schools by their parents. This summary of special education rights for your homeschooled student serves as a Child Find initiative to locate, identify, and evaluate all children with disabilities enrolled by their parents in a homeschool and/or private school program within the school district served by the Local Education Agency (LEA)- Maryville City Schools. Once a student has been found eligible under IDEA for a disability, services are typically provided via a "service plan." Generally, services in these plans are some type of related service, such as speech therapy. Services are determined by the LEA upon consultation with parents and/or representatives of private schools. The parents should contact the LEA where the student resides or the student is schooled, for complete information (see contact info below). Maryville City Schools receives an annual federal allocation under the lDEA program. To meet the requirements of IDEA, the school district must expend a proportionate share of federal IDEA funds on equitable services for parentally placed private school children with disabilities. Ongoing documentation to the TN DOE ensures LEAs provide parents with information regarding student rights to special education, made possible with allocations derived from the IDEA funding model.

Brochure providing information about Child Find
Childfind Brochure Page 2