Today's Date
Student's Full Name
Please note any changes to your address, phone number, or email.
In the new school year, this student:*
will continue as a home school student
will return to public school
is now a graduate
If you are continuing to home school, please complete all questions below. If you have graduated or are planning to return to public school, please only attach your attendance record to this form or mail it to MCS, Attn: Home School Coordinator, 833 Lawrence Avenue, Maryville, TN 37803
Student's Grade in the new school year
Enrollment Type
Select ONE
Independent (@home)
Church-Related Umbrella
Accredited Online Program
Attach Attendance Record or Program Completion Document
Everyone needs to attach either a record of attendance or a program completion document each year. The only exception are those enrolled in a church-related program, which is reported for the student by that organization.
Max file size: 10 MB