Misc. Tutorial Videos
Videos for with walk-throughs for most of the content on this page can also be found here
Loom works as either a Chrome extension or a stand-alone desktop app (or an iPad app!). As a bonus, Loom offers free Pro accounts for teachers and students. There are no limits on numbers of videos or lengths of videos, and the desktop app has some markup tools so you can annotate on top of your videos. Very nice free product. (Note: If you sign up for Loom with your @maryville-schools.org email address, you'll automatically be upgraded to their pro teacher accounts)
Loom Video Walk-through (4:29)
Distance Learning:
Microsoft Teams:
Canvas Conferencing:
To access Canvas Conferences, log in to Canvas, open your class, and click on "Conference" on the left-hand navigation bar. When the conference page opens, it will walk you through creating a meeting and inviting attendees. It's important note two drawbacks of this feature. First, it only allows 10 concurrent conferences across all of Maryville Schools at the same time. Second, it's been experiencing a lot of problems with being overloaded with so many schools utilizing conferencing functions at the moment.
Quick Video walk-through of starting a Canvas meeting (2:24)
Using Conferences in Canvas (thanks Dr. DeHart!) (1:05)
Zoom is accessed through a link in everyone's Classlink portal (starting Monday, March 23). These Zoom accounts will be accessible till July 1. To start a Zoom session, log in via Classlink and click on Zoom. In the upper right hand corner of the page will be an option to "Start a Meeting" (for teachers) or "Join a Meeting" (for students)
IMPORTANT: If you are a teacher setting up a Zoom meeting for students with school laptops, you need to mark a specific setting:
Login at Zoom.us
Go to My Account --> Settings --> Scroll down to "Show a "Join from your browser" link and make sure the toggle is switched ON. Otherwise, students with school laptops can't join.
Quick video walk-through of starting a Zoom meeting (1:34)
Canvas Help:
So, you've may (or may not) have used Canvas, but don't feel like you're prepared to use it for distance learning. These guides from MRIS are a basic walk through of the most important info. It skips the bells and whistles and hits the core components.
Logging in to Student Email:
Grade K-7 usernames and passwords are generated with the formula below (beginning in 8th grade the number is a random 4-digit number, and students have the ability to change their password)
Last 2 digits of Graduation year (for second grade this is 30) + first 4 letters of last name + first initial + middle initial
For example, a 2nd grade named Joe Bob Smith would be 30smitjb
MCS (all caps) + first initial + last initial + lunch number
If 2nd Grader Joe Bob Smith's lunch number is 1234, his password would be MCSjs1234
Student Login to Canvas
General Communication:
Emailing through your gradebook
Can easily email student, class, parent, or whole class
- Within your PowerTeacher Pro gradebook, choose the class→ click on Class on top left→ Email Class
- You can click on a student email or parent email directly email them. (Note-- if it's multiple parent email addresses, change the comma to a semicolon.)
- You can click the boxes for the address you want (or all)→ choose "Delimiter Type-- Semicolon"→ Build List→ Copy/Paste into the BCC (blind carbon copy) field of a new email. (This will prevent parents from seeing each other's email addresses, which should be kept confidential.)
- NOTE-- The first time you do this, it will have you go through the Outlook client setup. Choose Next→ Yes→ Next→ Type in all info→ Next→ If it pops up a new window, type in your password AND check the "Remember my credentials" box→ OK→ Finish.
Emailing students through Canvas
- Can send email or a brief video response by email
- How To-- https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-10574
- Note-- To respond by video, follow the above steps and choose the below icon. Students receive an email with a Canvas logo and a link to the video email within Canvas."
Adding Short Instructional Videos:
*Note: Creating videos is NOT a requirement.
- Will video you using your laptop camera
- Note-- I suggest that you only add videos to the Content Library and have them watch them from there.
- How To-- On any page, go Insert tab, and choose Record Video.
- Will video you using your laptop camera
- How To-- When you build a Page, you have the option of the below icon in your text box, as well. You may record directly on your page using it.
Recording your laptop screen and your voice as you manipulate software
Screen Record--- can be done within PowerPoint!
Save PowerPoint--You can record your video, it will save within PowerPoint, and you can save your PowerPoint file to OneNote, requires student to download in Canvas
Save Video File-- You can also right click on your video, choose Save Media As, and upload just the video file to Canvas or OneNote.
- ·Will record only your ActivInspire slides and your voice as you manipulate the slides
- Note-- This makes a very large file, so keep it brief!
- How To-- http://pbtraining.weebly.com/10-screen-recorder.html
- Sharing-- will upload to Canvas nicely, at present will NOT play from OneNote
- Sharing - Uploading to Youtube (thanks Stacey Travis!)
- Will video you in the bottom corner of your PP slides and you may write on the slides as you go
- Note-- Only for folks who have the Microsoft Office 365 Pro Plus version (You can check by looking in PowerPoint→ File→ Account→ It is listed on the right.)
- How To-- https://support.office.com/en-us/article/record-a-slide-show-with-narration-and-slide-timings-0b9502c6-5f6c-40ae-b1e7-e47d8741161c
Create a Video-- upload that file to Canvas or OneNote.
Publish to Stream-- publish and then share that link with kids in Canvas or OneNote.
(thanks Deana & CGIS!)