Professional Development
Mission: The Maryville City School District offers flexible and personalized professional development that is meaningful to all participants.
Ways to earn Professional Development Credit
The school system will continue to offer professional development sessions during the summer and before/after school for you to earn your required hours, but now you can earn hours on your own time by finding things that interest you. At least 6.5 hours must be achieved through MCS offerings or principal approved PD you have found and the remaining 13 hours will be a site based decision. We want you to be able to learn about what you want or need, when you want, and how you want.
The table below describes ways to earn professional development hours if you are interested in pursuing your own or have a focus that you really want to study. All activities outside of the normal school offerings require prior approval from administration. Complete this form, MCS PD Proposal From - V2.docx , and submit to your principal 2 weeks prior to activity.
Conferences |
Attending conferences - The teacher will be required to present findings to school/district through PD sessions or offerings. Time for preparation as well as presentation will be given in addition to attending. Hours earned equals time attending conference. If you present at a conference, you earn the time for presenting and twice that for preparation (Present a one hour session and earn two for preparation for a total of three hours). |
Reading/book studies |
Several teachers reading the same book with an activity completed at the end or as you go Report time, thoughts, research, links, standardized questions to answer, need Number of hours earned by an estimation based on length of book and activities. Must be specified in the proposal. |
Webinars |
Participate in a webinar addressing a topic of interest or need. Number of hours earned equals the duration of the webinar. |
Team planning times, planning with other teachers, feedback from students and teachers |
Collaboration with others that is not scheduled during the school day or expected by your school Can be used for subject area, vertical, grade-level, or cross-curricular planning that is not mandated by your administration. Number of hours earned equals the number of hours actively collaborating and must be included on proposal form. |
Observing other teachers (inside or outside of your district) |
Observe teachers at other schools during breaks. Observe colleagues by taping the teacher during the day and viewing at night. Number of hours earned equals the amount of time observing. |
Researching/time to play/Casual sharing |
Make a formal presentation about something you have researched or discovered on your own. Research or experiment with a topic as directed by your evaluation. Host a structured session allowing you and others time to play with tech items. Number of hours earned equals the amount of time presenting, researching, or hosting. A list of tasks to be accomplished must be stated in the proposal form. |
Professional Development Committee Members:
Ginni Beaty, Deana Bishop, Jodi Eanes, Brandi Glasgow, Kerry Hall, Julie Keyl, Bob Kirkland, Andy Lombardo, Leslie Lunsford, Tracy Luttrell, Natasha McMurray, Nick Payne, Whitney Schmidt, Amy Vagnier, Lucas Vagnier, Shane Waters, Karla West