The homebound instruction program is for students who, because of a medical condition, are unable to attend the regular educational program in Maryville City Schools for more than ten (10) days. Homebound services are typically approved for thirty (30) days. Homebound services are not a disciplinary placement or a place for students to make up missed assignments. It is not a setting to help students regain missing credits.
Parent/guardian must complete the request for homebound services form and the education services request form. Documents must be submitted to Heather Ledbetter in one of the following ways: fax (865-263-8878), email (heather.ledbetter@maryville-schools.org), or mail (520 S. Washington St., Maryville, TN 37804). After the documents are reviewed, the parent/guardian will be notified if the student does or does not qualify for homebound instruction. Additional documentation may be required. To learn more about homebound criteria and procedures, click here.
Homebound Documentation:
Request for Homebound Services