Federal Programs
You may contact any of these program managers by calling (865) 982-7121
or via email, by clicking on the name listed below.
- Title I (Economically Disadvantaged, Migrant, Neglected, Delinquent, and At-Risk)
Maria Greene
- Title II (Professional Development)
Dr. Melanie Davidson
- Title III (English Language Learners - ELL)
Maria Greene
- Title IX
Melissa Stowers
- Title X (Homeless)
Deb Skyler
- Career and Technical Education (CTE)
Melissa Stowers
- Special Education/IDEA
Dr. Melanie Davidson
- Section 504/Title II ADA
Dr. Melanie Davidson
- School Nutrition
Tammy Hooper
- Safe Schools
Melissa Stowers
- Drug-Free Schools
Heather Ledbetter