Clinic & Wellness
To schedule an appointment or contact the Nurse:
- Call 865-983-0349
- Email
- Online
The Nurse Practitioner is in the clinic to see patients for illness, injury, or annual health assessments (including physical exam and lab work).
Clinic Hours:
- Monday - Friday 7:00 am - 3:30 pm
Nurse Practitioner:
- Monday - Friday 7:00 am - 12:00 pm
Staff Wellness Classes
Classes are free for MCS employees. No preregistration is required.
Yoga on Tuesdays at 3:15 pm - MRIS
Yoga on Wednesdays at 3 pm - CGIS
Telemedicine & Teladoc
Telemedicine: MCS offers telemedicine under our UMR Plan - for both in and out-of-network providers.
Teladoc: Teladoc can be accessed at or 1-800-Teladoc.
At the Clinic!
The clinic sees Maryville City Schools employees (full-time and part-time). The clinic will also see family members on MCS medical insurance (dependents ages 6 – 26 and spouses).
Benefits of using the clinic:
- Treatment for episodic illnesses and injuries
- Annual wellness exams
- Pre-placement physicals
- No copayment
- Pre-packaged prescription medications
- In-house point-of-care testing, such as cholesterol and strep
- Reduced wait time
- Health and wellness education
To learn more about the clinic, click here.